2015 has been quite the year. In January, I declared it “The Year of Purpose,” and vowed to let my purpose inspire my behaviors, choices, and approach to relationships. I’ve learned a lot about what Saying YES looks like practically speaking, and have experienced a true transformation of sorts. Now that the “season of gratitude” is upon us, I thought I’d share a few things I’m grateful for.
- I’m grateful for YOU. Every comment, email, like, favorite, retweet, share, and word of encouragement has uplifted me in more ways than you know. Thank you for walking by my side, generously sharing your insights, and being willing participants in a journey that is about, at its core, adding value to the world by giving what you alone can give.
- I’m grateful for my colleagues, who continue to challenge me, support me, teach me, and motivate me to be my best self every day. You never stop raising the bar, which keeps me reaching higher. To my new friends whose expertise and generosity have broadened my horizons and offered me new pathways to do what I do, I love and appreciate you.
- I’m grateful for my immediate and extended family, who stand in the gap for me regularly, and whose mere presence reminds me what matters most. They are my roots…and my wings. Nothing I’ve accomplished this year would have been possible without their flexibility, understanding, and unwavering belief in me and my potential.
- I’m grateful to God for grace, mercy, and open doors. I believe if we do our work, God will do His. We’ve both been working overtime this year, and it has manifested in seeds of goodness that continue to grow.
- I’m grateful that it’s never too late to be what we “could have been.” This is true for all of us. The train has not left the station, and even if it has, there’s another on the way. Get on it.
I wish you peace this holiday season to quiet your soul, joy to warm your heart, and confidence to catapult you into your next phase of brilliance.
Love to you and yours. Happy Thanksgiving!